Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dreams of Extended Family, Extra Terrestrials, and Extinction

Originally Posted September 9, 2010

This could someday be a movie plot–at least part of it.

In all honesty, I think this is three dreams meshed together in one. It starts out with me having to walk from Jerome or Twin Falls Idaho to Malta and Pocatello along the interstate to visit my maternal grandmother. After making it three fourths of the way there, it is evident that I must turn back to assist and warn the rest of my family about the coming invasion (which I have learned about from a bleached out Lydia type character from Big Brother Season 9).

Once I return home (which is not Soda Springs, but some city next to a canal with a lot of old Victorian houses–like old-town Mckinney TX or Springfield MO), I find my extended family on my Father’s side packing up items to head to a safe area. This extended family consists primary of the Loveland family (Gordon, Julia, Susan, Heidi, and others), and the Jerry Hoggan family (Valeen, Christi, Debbie). Since there is not enough room in the safe area for everybody, my Dad and my little brother volunteer to stay behind-in fact they will catch an American Airlines flight to a bigger city where they can find safety.

So, everybody else loads up their items (in pioneer type wagons and carts), and we make the trip along the interstate to the safe area. The safe area resembles the Alexander valley in Soda Springs, except the stone is sedimentary sandstone and there are caves for us to dwell in. Julie has set up camp and is skinning squirrels for dinner. Valeen, Kristy, and Debbie are watching reality TV shows in their three story tent-canopy about 200 yards away. Connie asks me if it is okay for my dad and rod to use my food storage back at home, cause all the flights were booked. I replied of course, that’s what it’s for and then Heidi and Susan start yelling.

They are yelling because the invasion has begun, and an orb (similar to that which Luke Skywalker trains his Jedi Light-Saber skills with) has invaded the canyon containing our campsite. Susan hits it with a ball bat and breaks it and Gordon has it sent off to the lab to figure it out.

Almost immediately, we receive a response from the lab. To our horror, we find out that it is terrestrial of human design, and that the designers chewed bubblegum. Then the dream cuts to David Hasselhoff, who is held prisoner in one of our caves because we have somehow captured him. We ask him and he tells us that the world is overpopulated and the future earthlings are destroying the past earthlings to prevent overpopulation. Then he says, ‘I met somebody the other day, before coming here and told them I was from Los Angeles. They asked me, which neighborhood, ”Syria?"

There was a laugh track and the dream ended.

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